See Information For Parents for a letter from Dr. Danny Stedman, Executive Director, CIS of Robeson County.
How to Navigate Our Site
Please use the menu under the CIS Academy tab to find:
Information For Parents such as the calendar and staff list
Information For Prospective Students such as the application & enrollment process and Charter School FAQ and Important Information such as Board Meetings & Minutes, School Policies, the School Improvement Plan, School Report Cards, and the McKinney-Vento Act.
Performance Information
Year | Grade | Performance Grade Score | Growth Status |
2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 |
D C D |
50 55 54 |
Growth Met Growth Exceeded Growth Exceeded |
2020-2021 | No Grade | No Score | No Growth Status |
2019-2020 | No Grade | No Score | No Growth Status |
2018-2019 | C | 62 | ![]() |
2017-2018 | C | 57 | ![]() |
2016-2017 | C | 60 | ![]() |
2015-2016 | D | 51 | ![]() |
2014-2015 | D | 48 | ![]() |
2013-2014 | D | 46 | ![]() |
*Effective with the 2013-14 school year, North Carolina began to assign School Performance Grades to all public schools.
Year Performance Composite Growth Status
2012-2013 18.2% Exceeds
See more at: www.cisrobeson.org/school-report-cards
Message from Principal Billy Haggans
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On behalf of the staff at CIS Academy, I am happy to welcome you to the 2022-23 school year! We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he/she:
- Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience
- Completes all homework assignments given by teachers
- Reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills
- Shares school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life
- Informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject
- Knows that you expect him/her to succeed in school and go on to college
Please take the opportunity to review our school handbook with your child/children. If you have any questions about the rules and expectations, please feel free to contact me or discuss them with your child’s teacher. It is very important that you and your child are fully informed regarding standards related to appropriate behavior for a safe and productive school year.
The wonderful CIS Academy staff and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to meeting you.
Billy Haggans
Principal, CIS Academy
About Principal Billy Haggans
In 2001, I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. In the summer of 2004, I completed the Regional Alternative Licensure Program, for lateral entry teachers, at UNCP. In 2011, I joined the Master of School Administration Program at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. I completed my Master’s Degree in School Administration from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke in August 2015.
Currently, I have fourteen years of experience in public school education. In 2001, I began my career in education as a lateral entry teacher at CIS Academy, a charter school, located in Pembroke, North Carolina. I became certified in Middle Grades Science (6-9) after passing the Praxis II in the summer of 2004. Approximately one year later, I passed the Praxis II for Middle-Grade Math, becoming highly qualified to teach math in grades six through nine. After nearly eight years in the classroom teaching math and science, from September 2001- June 2009, I was offered a position as the assistant principal at CIS Academy. I served in that role for three years, fulfilling many duties and responsibilities. In 2012, I was offered the position of lead administrator at CIS Academy. Currently, I’m serving as the sole administrator for CIS Academy.
Throughout my educational endeavor, I have set professional goals and objectives. My professional goals and objectives are as follows: To continue growing as an effective school leader who will have a positive impact on all stakeholders (students, teachers, parents, and community leaders) and to communicate and collaborate effectively with all stakeholders when making decisions (with the best interest of students always first).
Working at CIS Academy has allowed me to meet my goals and objectives beyond my expectations. My students and faculty encourage me on a daily basis. I observe my faculty as they engage with the students to prepare them for their future. Words are inadequate to describe the feelings which overpower me as I watch this transpire. Each day offers new opportunities inviting me to fulfill my responsibilities and duties to my faculty, students, and parents. The only downside is all the paperwork my job requires.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (910) 521-1669.
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider. “